If you would like to partner with HVBC in giving, please see the items below:
You will never be pressured to give during our services; however, if you would like to give financially to HVBC, we have an offering each Sunday morning. All you have to do is drop your offering in the offering plate when it is passed.
If you would like to mail in a gift to HVBC, please send your donation to the following:
Hickory Valley Baptist Church
2320 Hickory Valley Road
Chattanooga, TN 37421
The opportunities are limitless on how God’s people can use their resources (physical, material, or financial) to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ. Giving is a fundamental act of worship that invigorates our devotion, provides an outlet for compassion, and allows us to proclaim His sufficiency and provision. As people of faith, we give faithfully and make use of those resources to the best of our ability. Our stewardship team consists of five members who are committed to ensure that all giving is handled with the utmost respect, confidentiality, and care.
Your time, talents, and treasures all count for God. Every believer should prayerfully consider where and how to be used in the area of Kingdom building.
- Spending at Hickory Valley is governed by what our annual budget allocates.
- Weekly counting is secure and performed by two counters.
- To guarantee protection for our staff – No staff member has access to money or financial records.
- We operate under a debt free policy.
- In addition to special offerings for missions we maintain a 13% giving to missions from our general fund.
- You can now designate special offerings, (over and above the tithe), to specific areas of ministry. Example: missions, specific missionaries, growth and development, Good News Club, etc…
- Consider the church you love and support in your estate giving. Information is available to help you in this simple process.
Supported through the Cooperative Program budget and by the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering, and the concerted prayers of Southern Baptists world-wide, the International Mission Board is being used by God in amazing ways.
Through the IMB, Southern Baptists are lead in efforts to evangelize the lost, disciple believers, develop churches and minister to people in need across the globe. This is accomplished by mobilizing prayer support, appointing missionaries, enlisting volunteers, channeling financial support and communicating how God is working overseas.
Discover more about IMB.
The North American Mission Board exists to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ, start New Testament congregations, minister to persons in the name of Christ, and assist churches in the United States and Canada in effectively performing these functions.
It also assists Southern Baptists in their task of fulfilling the Great Commission in the United States, Canada and their territories through a national strategy for sharing Christ, starting churches and sending missionaries, in cooperation with Acts 1:8 Partners.
Click here to discover more about the NAMB.