Is Salvation by God’s Grace, ReceivedThrough Faith?
Or Is Salvation Earned by Human Works?
Acts 15:6-11
February 11, 2018
1. God can still use in significant ways people who have failed Him perviously (Acts 15:6-7).
2. Every person is saved the same way.
1) God gives the Holy Spirit to every person who is saved (Acts 15:8).
2) Salvation is received through faith, not works (Acts 15:9-10).
3) Salvation is the result of God’s grace, not our effort (Acts 15:11).
Our response to the truth of the word of God:
1. Make sure you have received God’s gift of salvation.
2. Communicate clearly to others the Bible’s message about how to be saved:
salvation is by God’s grace and is received through faith, not earned by human works.