Posts by HVBC (Page 19)

Joseph: The Lord Was With Him

Joseph: The Lord Was With Him introduction: Genesis 39:1-3, 21-23 1. God answers prayer and intervenes in very important family matters. The examples of: 1) Abraham and Sarah, Joseph’s great-grandparents (Genesis 12:1-3 – God’s promise to Abraham; Genesis chapter 21 – the miraculous birth of Isaac) 2) Isaac and Rebekah, Joseph’s grandparents (Genesis chapter 24…

The Greatest Missionary

The Greatest Missionary John 4 1. The Samaritan Woman 2. The Savior’s Words *Guest speaker John Olson is preaching for us this morning in sign language. His wife Tricia is voice interpreting for him.

Jesus Asks, “Do You Love Me?”

Jesus Asks, “Do You Love Me?” John 21:15-17 Jesus asks, “Do you love Me?” . . . 1. to remind you of promises you have made to Him 2. to cause you to search your heart and honestly admit the level of your love for Him 3. to let you know that He has special…