Posts by HVBC (Page 21)

Twenty-First Century Pilgrims

1 Peter 2:11-12 “Pilgrim” means one who is on a journey. As a disciple of Jesus Christ and a pilgrim journeying through this life, you must: 1. Hold yourself back from sinful desires (1 Peter 2:11). 2. Live an honorable life in the midst of unbelievers (1 Peter 2:12).

We Need To Pray for Our Leaders in America

1 Timothy 2:1-4; Romans 13:1-6 We need to pray: 1. for all people (1 Timothy 2:1) 2. for all who are in authority (1 Timothy 2:2), including those in government 1) Pray that they will be saved (1 Timothy 2:3-4). 2) Pray that they will realize they are servants of God (Romans 13:1-6), that He…

We Need To Plead with God To Have Mercy on America

Daniel 9:8-19 1. Praying on behalf of our sinful nation involves admitting to God that our nation’s current condition is appropriate for our nation’s choices made in the past (Daniel 9:8-10). God sends warnings before sending judgment — warnings in the Scriptures and warnings in history. To ignore God’s warnings is to invite His judgment…

We Need to Confess the Sinfulness of America

Daniel 9:4-19 1. To confess sin means agreeing with God that sin has taken place. 2. The fact that our sin is against God must be confessed as we pray to Him. personal application: Pray for America, confessing our sinfulness as a nation and pleading with God to have mercy and intervene on our behalf.

We Need to Pray for America

Daniel 9:1-3 1. Godly people can — and should — repent and intercede to God in prayer on behalf of an entire sinful nation (Daniel 9:1-3). 2. Prayer for our nation should be motivated by the truth of the word of God (Daniel 9:1-2). 3. Fasting is appropriate while praying for our nation (Daniel 9:3).

An Ironic Catalyst for the Spread of the Gospel

Philippians 4:21-23 1. The Biblical usage of the term “saints” refers to all who are saved – all who are in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:21-22. application: Trust Jesus as your personal Savior; you’ll become a saint. 2. Despite opposition, the gospel continues to bring people to faith in Jesus (Philippians 4:22). application: Proclaim the gospel…

A Wonderful Promise to People Who Supported a Missionary

Philippians 4:19-20 1. God is a personal God: “my God” (Philippians 4:19). 2. God is a providing God: “shall supply all your need” (Philippians 4:19). 3. God is a prosperous God: “according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:19). application: Give to missionaries. 4. God is worthy of glory (Philippians 4:20). application:…

An Earthly Investment That Pays Eternal Dividends

Philippians 4:14-18 1. The importance of giving to meet the needs of other believers (Philippians 4:14-16) 2. Spiritual “fruit” is put to the account of those who give to meet the needs of other believers (Philippians 4:17). 3. God is pleased when we give to meet the needs of other believers (Philippians 4:18). personal application:…