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A Most Appropriate Nickname

Dr. David Kemp Acts 9:26-31 Nicknames can be interesting. Some are deserved and appropriate; others are not. Listen as Dr. David Kemp teaches from Acts 9 about Baranabas, which was actually a nickname — a most appropriate nickname. 1.Other people need encouragement. vs.26-28 Action Point: Be a “Barnabas” ? an encourager of those who need…

God’s Glorious Surprise

Dr. David Kemp Acts 9:10-19 On the road to Damascus, Saul was certainly surprised when a bright light shone from heaven and Jesus spoke to him. But God had another glorious surprise for someone else who lived in Damascus. 1. There are unexpected things God commands us to do (Acts 9:10-16). 2. It is vitally…