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The Lord Jesus Christ and the Eternal Plan of God

Dr. David Kemp Revelation chapter 5 1. Jesus Christ is the worthy Lion (Revelation 5:1-5).      God’s eternal plan includes judgment. 2. Jesus Christ is the wounded Lamb (Revelation 5:6-7).      God’s eternal plan includes grace. 3. Jesus Christ is the worshiped Lord (Revelation 5:8-14).      God’s eternal plan includes worship. Action point: Warn people…

The Amazing Grace of God

Dr. David Kemp Titus 2:11-14 1. God’s grace involves the salvation of sinners (Titus 2:11). 2. God’s grace involves the education of saints (Titus 2:12). 3. God’s grace involves the anticipation of the Savior (Titus 2:13-14). Action point #1: Trust Jesus Christ as your personal Savior. Action point #2: Live to please Jesus Christ as…

The Importance of Giving Glory to God

Dr. David Kemp Acts 12:20-24 1. Don’t put anyone on a level with God. Vs.20-22 2. There are consequences of pride and accepting people’s praise without giving glory to God. Vs23 3. Earthly leaders come and go, but the Word of God remains, spreads, and flourishes. Vs.24 Action Point: Give glory to God and spread…

An Astonishing Answer to Prayer

Dr. David Kemp Acts 12:5-19 1. The importance of constant prayer (Acts 12:5, 12) 2. Keep trusting God and believing His promises when you face danger, trouble, or difficulty (Acts 12:6). 3. God is able to rescue His servants from danger, trouble, or difficulty (Acts 12:7-11, 18-19). 4. Be eager to tell others what God…

A Tale of Two Churches

Dr. David Kemp Acts 11:27 – 12:4 1. Prophecy prompted by the Holy Spirit comes true (Acts 11:27-28). 2. According to your ability, give to help other believers who are in need (Acts 11:29-30). 3. God sovereignly allows some Christians to experience what we label “tragedy” (Acts 12:1-4). Action point: Keep trusting, worshiping, loving, obeying,…

The First People To Be Called “Christians”

Dr. David Kemp Acts 11:19-26 1. God overrules opposition to accomplish His purpose, spread the gospel, and bring people to salvation (Acts 11;19-21). 2. It is important to encourage and teach other believers, especially new ones (Acts 11:22-26). 3. The term “Christian” means “belonging to Christ” (Acts 11:26). Action point: Live so there is evidence…

Answering Your Critics

Dr. David Kemp Acts 11:1-18 1. There are people who will criticize you, even when you obey God (Acts 11:1-3). 2. In answering your critics, emphasize what God has done in your life and how you have obeyed Him (Acts 11:4-17). 1) God responds to our prayers (Acts 11:5). 2) God has specific people in…

The Astonishing Gift of God

Dr. David Kemp Acts 10:44-48 1. God does astonishing things in saving people of all nationalities (Acts 10:44-45). 2. The indwelling Holy Spirit is God’s gift to every person who is saved (Acts 10:44-46). 3. Baptism is an outward testimony that a person is saved (Acts 10:47-48). Action point: Be obedient to the Lord; go…

Proclaiming the Gospel in the Home of a Gentile

Dr. David Kemp Acts 10:34-43 1. God shows no partiality; He accepts people from all nations (Acts 10:34-35). 2. The gospel message centers around the Lord Jesus Christ (Acts 10:36-43). 1) Jesus is Lord of all (Acts 10:36). 2) Jesus’ good works and miracles confirmed the truth about Him (Acts 10:37-38). 3) Jesus was crucified…